What is the Autistic Young Experts (AYE) Panel?
We are a group of autistic young people aged 16-25 who live in England.
How many members are on the Panel?
Up to 15 members at any time
What does the Panel do?
Panel members share their voice and life experiences of education and society to influence Autism Education Trust projects.
Examples of work we do: speaking at events, co-delivering training, sharing our experiences with professionals on video, and contributing to research projects.
How often does the Panel meet?
Panel members meet:
- virtually every last Monday of the month for 90 mins
- and face-to-face twice a year for the whole day
AET covers travel costs for face-to-face meetings.
Will I get paid?
Yes. Panel members are paid for their time spent working on projects and in meetings.
How long is Panel membership?
Panel Members are on the Panel for a maximum of 4 years.
When does recruitment open for new Panel members?
Recruitment opens every spring or summer.
How does the recruitment work?
A charity called Ambitious about Autism helps The Autism Education Trust recruit new Panel members.
Find out more about Ambitions About Autism’s youth network and get updates on when recruitment opens for new Panel members here: Ambitious Youth Network.
How do I join?
You will need to complete a short application form asking why you would like to join the Panel. You can respond in any format that suits you best, for example, in writing, a video, or a voice note.
The Panel is not recruiting at the moment.
Opportunities to join will be added here when we are recruiting again.

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