We are in the media

11 Jul 18

We are in the media

It’s difficult to describe the many advantages of the AET programme in a few words. To raise awareness of the unique benefits of our training programmes and resources we regularly appear at trade shows and in professional publications, where we can give detailed explanation of the work we do. This month we have a full page article in SEN Magazine and also on SEN Magazine Online. The articles describe the benefits of AET’s training programme with the aim to raise awareness among educational professionals.

Under 5 Magazine also has a two-page feature supporting our positive approach to autism, titled ‘Difference, not deficit’. Children with autism are just as unique as any other child with their unique skills and challenges, only requiring a different educational approach. Getting to know them as individuals, mapping their strengths and challenges will not only help them to access the curriculum better but will have a positive impact on the whole setting, including the staff. This approach also support our belief that good autism practice is good practice for all. Read it here.