Developing Play in the Early Years

Developing Play in the Early Years

Who is this module for?

The session is suitable for staff/practitioners working with children in early years settings. 

The aims

  • To increase your understanding of the importance of play in the Early Years
  • To develop your understanding of how autism can impact upon a child's play development. 
  • To build your awareness of strategies that can be used to support autistic children with their play development.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you will:

  • Understand that autism is a DIFFERENCE, not a DEFICIT.
  • Understand how the three areas of difference in autism may impact on the development of play skills. 
  • Understand the importance of all adults working together to support the child to develop play skills. 
  • Develop knowledge of how to support autistic children to develop play skills. 
  • Create a plan to ensure progress in play skills. 
A group of children sit around colourful playing blocks. Some of them reach into the middle to pick one up.
