Inclusion Session 2: The inclusion process

Inclusion Session 2: The inclusion process

Session 2: The inclusion process - Identifying underlying reasons for exclusion and making reasonable adjustments to promote inclusion

Who is this module for?

This module is for any member of teaching staff working with autistic pupils aged 5-16 in mainstream and specialist schools.  However, the module can also be delivered alongside Session 1 to any member of staff e.g. Session 1 and 2 could be combined to deliver a full day training to a whole school during an inset day.   


In Session 2, we focus on creating an inclusive ethos by taking a proactive approach – encouraging inclusion and avoiding exclusion.  We consider the underlying causes of distressed behavior for which there is always a reason - or an accumulation of reasons. We will be reflecting on our own practice and looking at the role of the whole school community and how we can avoid incidents occurring by making reasonable adjustments. We will also look at planning for a successful reintegration following an exclusion. Much of what is presented across the two AET Inclusion Modules, is based on a research study conducted by the University of Birmingham’s Autism Centre for Education and Research (ACER). 

Module aims

The aim of this module is to enable you:

  • To develop your skills in identifying how autism might affect a pupil’s behaviour.   
  • To support you to reflect on their own role in the exclusion process.  
  • To help you consider the role the whole school has in encouraging inclusion.  
  • To explore ways to be proactive and create an inclusive ethos to avoid exclusion. 

Learning objectives

After completing this module you will be able to:

  • Identify possible triggers of distressed behaviour and support pupils appropriately to avoid escalation.  
  • Understand the duty to make reasonable adjustments, as a way of avoiding incidents that could otherwise lead to exclusion.  
  • Identify ways to ensure a successful reintegration/transition back to school to avoid future exclusions. 

Session length

The length of the training session will depend on the training partner delivering the session. Please get in touch with them directly to enquire about this. If you can't see their contact details, please search for your local training partner and enquire. 

Pupils in exam room in red school uniform. One looking across room at camera, smiling.
