Dr Sarah Broadhurst Wins Trailblazing Award

15 Mar 23
Breaking News graphic and photo of Dr Sarah Broadhurst, AET Director

Dr Sarah Broadhurst Wins Trailblazing Award

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Dr Sarah Broadhurst has been named one of the 10 Most Trailblazing Business Leaders to Watch in 2023!

We’re delighted to share the news of Sarah’s award and can vouch for the fact that, as Autism Education Trust's Director, she really is driving the change in autism education.

You can read more about Sarah, how she started her career, and how she is at the heart of the AET work to support system leaders establish a positive culture change for the benefit of all autistic children and young people.

We’re very pleased that Sarah has been recognised for her work in the Autism community.

Thank you to Prime View Magazine for highlighting Sarah as the change maker she is.

Dr Sarah Broadhurst: Driving the Change in Autism Education