How will the NAS School Report Support Autistic Pupils?

12 Nov 21
Children running in school uniform, smiling

How will the NAS School Report Support Autistic Pupils?

The National Autistic Society's School Report 2021

Latest statistics from the Department for Education show that there are 166,041 autistic pupils in schools in England, an 8% increase since 2020, and more than 70% of these pupils are educated in mainstream schools

So how are these autistic pupils being supported? A new School Report from the National Autistic Society has found that 'parents are facing exhausting and sometimes years-long battles to get support for their autistic children in school.'

The education system is not offering autistic pupils effective support and the NAS are calling on the government to create positive change to the special educational needs (SEND) system. The review should take place in the Spring.

What did the School Report Discover?

You can find a few of the shocking statistics which have been pulled from the NAS School Report below. 

If you would like to find out more, you can find a summary on their website.

Around three-quarters (74%) of parents said that their child's school place did not fully meet their needs. 

Over a quarter (26%) had waited over three years to receive support for their child. 

Only one in four parents are satisfied with the special educational support their child is receiving. 

More than four in ten (44%) feel that their child's special educational needs are not being met in general. 

Half were dissatisfied with their child's education, health and care (EHC) needs assessment planning process.

Over a third (37%) didn't know about the SEND tribunal to appeal their local authority's decision to refuse an education, health and care (EHC) plan assessment for their child. 

How can you help?

You can support these changes by signing their petition.

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