Supporting Executive Function Differences (Individual Access)

Resource cover: How do I Support Autistic Pupils With Executive Function Differences
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Supporting Executive Function Differences (Individual Access)

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How do I Support Pupils with Executive Function Differences: A Practitioner’s Guide

Individual access: buy here to enjoy access to this resource as an individual.  

You can purchase this product for your whole school here. 

Note that although strategies are suitable for a range of pupils, the guide is specifically aimed at pupils in key stage 3 and above. 

Our Practitioner Guide provides an overview of what executive function is and why autistic pupils may need more support with it.  

The guide explains each aspect of executive function separately, linking to actionable strategies and top tips to help you support your learners in the classroom.  

Strategies can also be personalised for individual pupils by completing the editable Executive Function Checklist Tool.  

What you will learn:  

  • How executive function is fundamental to well-being and learning in school. 

  • How all pupils, but especially autistic pupils, will benefit from being supported with their executive function. 

  • Clear, easy-to-implement, actionable strategies to support pupils in the classroom. 

Bonus Material! 

This Guide is supplied with bonus resources to further support your pupils with executive function differences, including:  

  1. Two Case Studies exemplifying strategies were effectively matched to support two Secondary-aged autistic pupils. 
  2. Executive Function Skills: A Short Guide for Parents and Carers. 
  3. Supporting Autistic Students with Exams. 
  4. Supporting Autistic Students with Homework. 